
Selenese Commands - List of Selenium IDE Commands

Selenium IDE uses different commands for automating different operations on the Web Applications like opening an application URL, clicking a button, selecting a radio option etc. The commands used in Selenium IDE for automating the Web Application operations are known as Selenese commands.

Categorizing the Selenese Commands

Selenese commands can be categorized into the below three sections:

  • Actions - These category of commands will perform operations like clicking, selecting, typing etc.
  • Accessors - These category of commands will be used to store the results of the performed operations.
  • Assertions - These category of commands will be used to verify the results of the performed operations.

List of commonly used Selenium IDE's Selenese commands:

The below are the list of Selenium IDE's Selenese commands, which are mostly commonly used:

  • open - Used to open the application URL page
  • click - Used to click/select  button, link, radio option, checkbox option.
  • type - Used to type text into the text fields like text box, text area fields etc. 
  • refresh - Used to reload the page
  • highlight - Used to highlight the background color of the GUI elements involved in Selenium IDE automation
  • pause - Used to halt the execution for a specified amount of time
  • select - Used to select an option from the drop-down field
  • waitForPageToLoad - Used to wait for the page to load
  • clickAndWait - Used to click/select button, link, radio option, checkbox option. If the click action results in a page load, this command will wait for the resultant page to load.
  • store - Used to create the variables in which the results needs to be stored.
  • echo - Used to print the message while the Selenium IDE's is executing the automation tests
  • selectFrame - In order to perform operations in a frame of a web page, we need to first select the frame and then perform operations on GUI elements inside the frame. Hence selectFrame selenese command in Selenium IDE is used to select a frame. 
  • verifyTitle - Used to verify the title of the page. If the title wont match with the expected title, the execution of the automation test will continue and the test will fail. 
  • assertTitle - Used to verify the title of the page similar to verifyTitle, but the execution of the automation test wont continue in case of title mismatch.
  • verifyTextPresent - Used to verify the text on the page. If the text wont match with the expected title, the execution of the automation test will continue and the test will fail.
  • assertTextPresent - Used to verify the text on the page similar to verifyTextPresent, but the execution of the automation test wont continue in case of text mismatch. 
  • verifyElementPresent - Used to verify the presence of GUI elements on the page. If the required element is not present, the execution of the atuomation test will continue and the test will fail.
  • assertElementPresent - Used to verify the presence of GUI elements on the page similar to verifyElementPresent, but the execution on the automation test wont continue when the required element is not present on the page.

Other Selenese Commands:

Though there are many Selenese command in Selenium IDE, I have only listed the most commonly used Selenese commands in the above section. Learn the complete list of Selenese commands here.

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